All Right Press Kit
The Success Equation
Despite huge advances in the field, computer technology in music is no match for human skill. But with new instrument libraries and the memory and storage capacity of the latest generation machines, computers are becoming reliable partners and creating new possibilities for musicians. -
A London heavyweight...
Philippe Renan could have entrusted the mastering of his album to Paulo Germano, who is more than competent in the field. But all professionals agree that it is better to have these two essential stages of production carried out by two different sound engineers. -
An inspiring take on Life
The New Thought Movement’s Law of Attraction is woven into every title on the album. Based on positive thinking, this notion changed Philippe Renan’s life in 2017. As the tracks progress from ‘Move On‘ to ‘My World‘, they lay the groundwork for his new aspirations. Music is a language, a voice, punctuation.
Jazz Attitude
Philippe's Life & Experiences
Business biography
Philippe Renan – Sales and Marketing Leader | EMEA Business Development Expert With over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, and business development across Europe, Philippe Renan is a seasoned professional recognized for driving measurable results and developing growth...
Music Biography
Born in 1972, Philipe Renan became enchanted by the magic of keyboards at the age of 6. At 13, he began composing and recomposing and has never wanted to stop. -
Welcome !
This site might become your go-to space to find inspiration, guidance, and tools to grow as a creator, a brand or even a person.
Possible-Music Introduction
The story of Possible-Music
Possible-Music serves as an open platform, inspiring professionals and creatives to rethink the way work, creativity, and growth intersect. It is an invitation to explore new perspectives, challenge conventional boundaries, and embrace a more integrated approach to professional and personal fulfillment.
Music Publishing
Philippe Renan muses on the twin benefits of his hybrid business, Possible-Music: “I thought long and hard before deciding to combine my international consulting business with the art of music production … yet I soon realized that it was the right decision.” There are indeed two sides to Possible-Music. -
Digital Marketing
Philippe Renan has fond memories of the time he began composing. “When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming the new Vladimir Cosma, or even the new Eric Serra...
Last single

Apparels & accessories

"Keep calm"
Possible Blog
Un clin d'œil à Édouard Maire et à son film 'Le Cinéma Secret'
🎬 Un clin d'œil à Édouard Maire et à son film 'Le Cinéma Secret' 🎶 Il y a des projets marquant, non seulement par leur exigence artistique, mais aussi par les rencontres qu’ils suscitent. Le Cinéma Secret, réalisé par Édouard Maire,...
Embracing Influencers in Brand Communication
Influencers, when carefully selected, become essential allies for brands, offering a more personalized connection with audiences. It's a significant evolution that every brand should consider.
The Sound of Branding: How Audio is Shaping Digital Marketing Strategies
In today's digital landscape, audio content has emerged as a pivotal element in brand communication strategies. With a significant portion of consumers engaging with audio daily, it's essential for brands to harness this medium effectively.