The story of Possible-Music
Possible-Music is an invitation to explore and share a universe where boundaries disappear, allowing limitless creativity, harmony in life and motivation at work..
Music Publishing
Philippe Renan muses on the twin benefits of his hybrid business, Possible-Music: “I thought long and hard before deciding to combine my international consulting business with the art of music production … yet I soon realized that it was the right decision.” There are indeed two sides to Possible-Music. -
Digital Marketing
Philippe Renan has fond memories of the time he began composing. “When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming the new Vladimir Cosma, or even the new Eric Serra...
Music Production Studio
Philippe Renan has been nurturing his fascination with music in private for many years. He composes and self-produces his works in his 100% digital studio. From the sound of the instruments to the designs for his album covers, everything is created at Possible-Music. -
Copyright Management
It is impossible to develop a catalog of musical works without the help of copyright experts who work with record companies and labels. -
Orchestral Management
Philippe Renan – the founder of Possible-Music – fused music art and business to write the sales story of a lifetime. “It started the day a rogue music publisher stole all my savings,” says Philippe Renan.