Life Story (All Right Press Kit)
All Right is the culmination of a long journey. While examining the whirlwinds and overwhelming twists and turns of life, Philippe Renan strives to take them to another level. These whirlwinds are his inspiration. He even sets out on a new path: the jazz sounds and atmospheres of African American music, which have lived inside him since childhood. All Right is like a resurrection. A man revealing his true self. The album unfurls naturally, and his World takes on new meaning.
Philippe Renan was born in 1972. Enchanted by the magic of keyboards at the age of 6, he has always kept them close. Since he was 13, through harmonies and dissonance, he has never stopped composing and recomposing. Now with more than 200 pieces in his repertoire, he is asserting his musical identity, his shyness is waning, and a new genre is emerging. The influences from “classical music and French variety from the 70s”, so cherished by his organist father, are fading. Those of traditional jazz and Afro-Cuban music, handed down from his mother’s four West Indian sisters, are taking the lead.
He draws from the depths of his mixed musical origins to find his groove and harmonies, which transport him and form the backbone of his new compositions. Philippe Renan is looking at the world in a brand-new way. With optimism. Positive thinking, through resilience and the law of attraction. His approach is essential if we are to get through our century, flourish at work, lead our family lives and mindfully go about the many facets of our existence.
Starting out on this new path in 2018, Philippe Renan created the Possible Music label to publish his works. He also founded the European subsidiary of Victrola (the leader in vinyl turntables in the United States), so he has a dual career that makes full use of his musical creativity. This twin focus gives him essential balance and develops his creative process further with each passing day. The two channels are both important to him, and he has made them the basis for his development.
Drawing on his multiple influences, eclecticism and desire to share, Philippe Renan has become an accomplished pianist and composer. Confidently assuming this new jazz attitude, he takes on smooth jazz, a genre that he discovered in the 90s in the demos on his first synthesizers. The style exalts and transports him, just like the album that is so characteristic of the composer. All Right is a chance to build a better world.